"It amazes me how often I still hear "but Facebook is just for kids, I'm not wasting my time there." Sure, back in the day, it was a platform of drunken frat photos, farm animals & angry birds, interactions using acronyms some of us couldn't understand and never thought we'd use (..but do now, admit it).
READ MORE from Sue Koch with Soaring Solutions
Kids are a unique market. They have a significant impact on the success of many businesses despite the fact that they spend little or no actual money. You need to market to them carefully because the final decision makers tend to be mom or dad.
One of the strengths of companies that market successfully to children is remembering that, despite modern innovations in technology, the basic wants and needs of kids have not changed very much over the years. Kids want to fit in with their peers, be popular, and be entertained.
It's important to follow several guidelines when marketing to kids:
Professional Aunts No Kids
PANKs spend $9 billion on toys and gifts for children annually, according to “The Power of the PANK”, a study by Savvy Auntie and public relations firm Weber Shandwich. PANKs tend to have about the same income as the average woman, but they have more disposable income because they do not have children and are more likely to be single. PANKs estimate that they spent an average of $387 on each child in their lives during the past year, with 76% having spent more than $500 per child. read more

How to market to kids

Marketing to Women: Power to the PANKs
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