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Vacation Safety Tips for Kids from Chicks and Cubs

Vacation Safety Tips - Child Safety Tips

*** in no particular order ***

Vacation Safety Tip 1: Children must wear identification while on vacation. If they become lost on vacation, they need to have the information ON THEM of how to get in touch with you: your cell numbers, hotel name, hotel phone number. Along with home phone number and emergency contact. Also, be sure to include any important medical information. You can use Shoe Stickers, ID Bracelets, Shoe Tags, Dog Tags, Temporary Tattoos...

Vacation Safety Tip 2: Use more than one form of wearable identification while on vacation. I suggest this because I know as a mom of three, what I mean to do and what I get done, can often be worlds apart. I love the shoe stickers for this reason. I put those in my children's shoes and I don't have to think about it again for a good while. BUT, while on vacation or when we are on outings at large event, I add a second and sometimes a third identification. Some thing that is more visiable, incase the child forgets about the shoe sticker. I like to do multiples just in case one gets lost or during jump house type fun, the shoes are usually taken off.

Vacation Safety Tip 3: Talk to your children about what being lost means. On vacation, when kids are running around doing what they want to do, going where they want to go, they may not understand that they are lost. I have explained being lost to my children as "When you can't see mommie and daddy." Or, you can explain it as Mommie being lost.

Vacation Safety Tip 4: Talk to your children about what to DO if they become lost. I have told my children to stay put, I will find them. If they are scared, look for another mommie to ask for help. Moms are easy to spot: they have kids with them. Moms are the least dangerous as far as potentially harming another child. Tell your child to stay "still" even after they have asked for help - don't go anywhere with anyone. (This may be a hard one because good people will want to take them to the front of the store or to the front gate... But it is in your child's best interest, I believe, if the don't go anywhere with anyone). Tell your child to show their ID and ask the person to call you.


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